Welcome to our official
Austria Backyard Ultra

We finally opened the brand new Austria Backyard Ultra Shop for you!
You can choose from a range of great products.
Branded with our Austria Backyard Ultra® logo, you can also customize the products with your personal slogan, team name or whatever you like.
There are no limits to your imagination.
We are excited to see what cool ideas you come up with and look forward to you sharing them with us.
Maybe there will be something that we can add to the range for the whole ABU community.
The product range will be constantly expanded over time.
Click here to go to the ABU Onlineshop

...and much more!
Our official
Austria Backyard Ultra
Hive Cap from
La Sportiva

We proudly present the La Sportiva Hive Caps in Austria Backyard Ultra Style!
Breathability and lightness are the main features of the Hive Cap. The 3D material gives the style a unique and cool look.
You can find more details about the product on the => La Sportiva website. <=
The edition is strictly limited and we only produce new caps if there are enough pre-orders. We currently have all sizes in stock.
The order for EUR 35,- can be made immediately by mail to info@austriabackyardultra.com
Or on site at the ABU Events 2024 if caps are still available!
The Hive caps will be handed over at an ABU event on site or by personal arrangement. Postal delivery is not provided.
We will be happy to clarify all details by e-mail.

We proudly present the La Sportiva Hive Caps in Austria Backyard Ultra Style!
Breathability and lightness are the main features of the Hive Cap. The 3D material gives the style a unique and cool look.
You can find more details about the product on the => La Sportiva website. <=
The edition is strictly limited and we only produce new caps if there are enough pre-orders. We currently have all sizes in stock.
The order for EUR 35,- can be made immediately by mail to info@austriabackyardultra.com
Or on site at the ABU Events 2024 if caps are still available!
The Hive caps will be handed over at an ABU event on site or by personal arrangement. Postal delivery is not provided.
We will be happy to clarify all details by e-mail.
Als besonderes Geschenk für deine(n) Liebe(n),
als Andenken an ABU oder
als praktischer Wegbegleiter auf deiner Tour eignet sich diese besonders hochwertige Produkt in vielen Bereichen.

Der ABU Flachmann/-frau in wertvoller hochqualitativer Handarbeit vom Nähkästchen by Anita Strauch aus Salzburg ist 100% regional produziert.
Nachhaltigkeit und Wertschöpfung in einheimischer Herstellung.
Sichere dir jetzt dieses einzigartige Exemplar.
Die Auflage ist streng limitiert!
Die Bestellung für EUR 75,- ist ab sofort per Mail an info@austriabackyardultra.com möglich.
Alle Details klären wir gerne per Mail.
Austria Backyard Ultra Series T-Shirt 2024 & 2025

Die offiziellen ABU Teilnehmer T-Shirt von La Sportiva sind nun da!
Alle, die das Teilnehmershirt 2024 nachbestellen wollen, bitten wir um Email an info@austriabackyardultra.com
Vielen Dank.